Natural gas is cooled after removal of impurities to the condensing temperature (-161,5 C), turns into a liquid called liquefied natural gas (LNG). The volume of gas liquefaction decreases to 600 times, which is one of the main advantages of this technology.
LNG is produced by the so-called Liquefaction plants (factories) and can then be transported in special cryogenic tanks – marine tankers or tanks for land transport. This allows you to deliver the gas to areas that are far away from the main pipelines, traditionally used to transport conventional natural gas.
Natural gas in liquid form long shelf that allows you to create reserves. Before delivery directly to the consumer of LNG is returned to its original gaseous state at re-gasification terminals.
The first attempts to liquefy natural gas for industrial purposes refer to the beginning of the XX century. In 1917, the U.S. got the first LNG, but the development of pipeline systems deliver a far delayed improvement of the technology. In 1941, another attempt was made to produce LNG, but industrial-scale production has reached only the mid-1960s.
In Russia, the construction of the first LNG plant began in 2006 have taken various steps to implement its strategic goal – to become a leader among global energy companies by entering new markets, diversifying activities, and ensuring the security of supply.